
Annual Exhibition 2024 at Maritime Museum Schifffahrtsmuseum Spitz an der Donau, Austria
April 14 – Oktober 31
daily from 10:00 - 16:00 No closing day 

Cover Slider 2560 x 1440

Schachspiel flacher Hierarchien, 2024 

“Workaholics” examines the work processes and tools of historic inland navigation on display in the museum. 

A poetic dialog begins at the model of horses towing a barge. It shows beasts of burden in chains, a resigned rider and the barge being pulled upstream. The model raises questions. How do we look at the historical process of pulling barges, which dates back to the time before the use of steam power? Today, when there is a shortage of skilled workers, many are reaching their limits and new demands are being placed on work in general. 

What does the model tell us and what
remains intangible? For example, the fact that, in addition to animals, men and women were also given the honor of towing barges, meaning that we are dealing with a shared human and animal driving force, or that it was prac- ticed worldwide and was even briefly used as a death penalty “replacement program”. Today, numerous work models and concepts are attempting to create a more humane work- ing world - New Work, Good Work, Reinventing Organizations, Agile, Mobile, Work- Life-Balance and Home Office - aren’t we free! Or are we? What are the chains of our time like? 

Gospodin’s approach always begins with the static grid and questions it with increasing material transformations. It is about borders and shifting boundaries. Her works are connected through their process. Added to this is the modular use of stencils. For this exhibi- tion, she has created five figurations based on her own process, five “workaholics”, in order to interweave them with the museum’s models and irritate the narrative - just as goblins would do in shipping. 

The SCHIFFFAHRTSMUSEUM SPITZ deals with the historical wooden and raft navigation on the Danube before the introduction of steam- boats around the middle of the 19th century. It sees itself as a place of encounter with ex- traordinary history, in which historical Danube navigation and the lives of the people behind it are illuminated. 

Team Meeting, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper, 7 60.2 x 39.7 in 


I am Office, 2024 
Acrylic, Alcyd and Oil on plaster object, 33.8 x 29.5 x 7.8 cm  

Installation: Strategy Structure Culture Cubicles 


A series of 12 watercolors.


Lifelong Learner, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 


Compliance, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 


Extraversion, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Ziele mit Werten in Einklang bringen_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Aligning Goals with Values, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Wachsendes Talent_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Growing Talent, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Gleichgewicht herstellen_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Facilitate Balance, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 


Chances, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Spüren und antworten_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Sense and Respond, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Lebendiges System_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Living System, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Aufgewirbelte Stereotypen_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Stirred Up Stereotypes, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 

Selbstvertrauen trifft auf Kompetenz_Aquarell_auf_Aquarellpapier_Nina_Gospodin_2024

Confidence Meets Competence, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 


Magic Management, 2024 
watercolor on watercolor paper,
10 x 7 in 


Exhibition View, 2024

Installation: Reinventing Organizations 


Systemic Workaholics in Need for Love and Belonging, 2024 
Acrylic, Alcyd and Oil on plaster object, 40.1 x 33.4 x 3.1 cm 


Workaholic, MBA with Safety Needs, 2024
Acrylic, Alcyd and Oil on plaster object, 32.6 x 27.5 x 6.2 cm 


Agile-Stable Workaholic with Esteem Needs, 2024 
Acrylic, Alcyd and Oil on plaster object, 38.1 x 30.7 x 21.2 cm 




A Bridge Home to Hamburg, 2024 
Film statement



Chess Game of Flat Hierarchies, 2024 
Painted steel,
left: 61 x 34.2 x 0.1 cm
right: 51.1 x 35.4 x 0.1 cm 



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©2025 Nina Gospodin
